<3> Viruses transfer the antiviral second messenger cGAMP between cells
Viruses transfer the antiviral second messenger cGAMP between cells
Bridgeman, J. Maelfait, T. Davenne, T.
Partridge, Y. Peng, A. Mayer, T. Dong, V. Kaever, P.
Borrow, J. Rehwinkel
Science 2015 Sep 11;349(6253):1228-32.
Speaker: Chou-Chen Chang (張肇宸) Time:
13:00~14:00, Sep. 23, 2015
Commentator: Dr. Chih-Peng
Chang (張志鵬 老師) Place:
Room 601
Sensing cytosolic DNA produces type I interferons (IFNs) since
the cellular factor STING can be activated by recognizing the second messenger,
cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP), which is synthesized by the cytosolic DNA sensor cGAMP
synthase (cGAS). Activation of this STING signaling
pathway eventually leads to the activation of transcription factor IRF3 and
induction of IFNs [1]. Interestingly, cGAS-synthesized
cGAMP can be transferred from producing cells to neighboring
cells through gap junctions and then promotes STING activation [2]. Since host factor can be incorporated into the
virion of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) [3], the authors were wondering whether virus
infection could induce IFN by activating STING even independently of cGAS if the infecting virus can transfer the second messenger
by incorporating cGAMP into virion.
For this end, the authors produced VSV-G pseudo-typed HIV-1 lentivirus harboring
EGFP reporter (HIV-1-GFP). HIV-1-GFP derived from 293T cells overexpressing wild-type
mouse cGAS (m-cGAS) could induce
IFNs in HEK293 or primary mouse bone marrow derived macrophages; whereas HIV-1-GFP
derived from cell expressing catalytically inactive cGAS
(m-cGAS-AA) did not. Furthermore, the authors demonstrated
that such IFN induction triggered by HIV-1-GFP from cGAS-expressing cells is
mediated by virions containing cGAMP
and is independent of virus reverse transcription. Taken together, incorporating
cGAMP into virion may
promote long distance transmission of antiviral signals to cells located far
from the initial site of infection. Such transfer of an antiviral mediator may
help to speed up the immune response to put the brakes on viral spread. Loading
viral vectors with cGAMP therefore holds promise for
vaccine development.
1. Sun L, Wu J, Du F, Chen X, Chen ZJ (2013) Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase is a cytosolic DNA sensor that activates the type I interferon pathway. Science 339: 786-791.
2. Ablasser A, Schmid-Burgk JL, Hemmerling I, Horvath GL, Schmidt T, et al. (2013) Cell intrinsic immunity spreads to bystander cells via the intercellular transfer of cGAMP. Nature 503: 530-534.
3. Harris RS, Bishop KN, Sheehy AM, Craig HM, Petersen-Mahrt SK, et
al. (2003) DNA deamination mediates innate immunity to retroviral infection.
Cell 113: 803-809.