Generation of pathogenic TH17 cells in the absence of TGF-b signalling
Generation of pathogenic TH17 cells in the absence of TGF-b signalling
Kamran Ghoreschi et al., Nature 467:967-971, 2010
Speaker: Yung-Tsai Liou (劉勇材) Time: 15:00-16:00, Jun. 8, 2011
Commentator: Dr. Yee-Shin Lin (林以行 老師) Place: Room 601
The helper T cell (TH) populations, such as TH1, TH2, Treg (regulatory T helper cells), and TH17 (IL-17-secreting) cells, help eliminate pathogens. However, recent studies showed that TH17 cells may cause tissue damages in autoimmune diseases such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis1. According to previous studies, in the presence of IL-1b and IL-6, TGF-b is a key initiation cytokine for TH17 cell differentiation, and IL-23 signalling stimulates TH17 cell expansion2. In this paper, the authors found that TH17 cell differentiation occurred in the intestinal lamina propria of CD4dnTGF-bRII and Tgfbr1f/fCD4-Cre+ mice, suggesting that TH17 cells can be induced independent of TGF-b signalling. Without the presence of TGF-b, increased binding of transcriptional activators histone 3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) and p300 to the promoters of Il17a, Il17f and Rorc, and dissociation of transcriptional repressor H3K9me3 from these promoters could be observed in the naïve CD4+ T cells cultured with IL-23. Without TGF-b, the mRNA expression of Il17a and Il23r in CD4+ T cells could be induced by IL-23 stimulation. The authors found that the conventional TH17(b) cells generated by the presence of TGF-b had different gene expression profile from that of the TH17(23) cells derived by the stimulation of IL-23. The TH17(23) cells highly expressed the transcriptional factor Tbx21 (homologue of human T-bet) that drives INF-g expression. The authors demonstrated that the TH17(23) cells expressing not only ROR-gt but also T-bet were highly pathogenic in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model of multiple sclerosis, in the GFP-ROR-gt reporter mice. Adoptive transfer experiment further confirmed that the TH17(23) cells had greater pathogenic potential than the TH17(b) cells in Rag2-/- mice. In conclusion, the authors determined that the TH17(23) cells derived by the stimulation of IL-23, but not TGF-b, represent the pathogenic TH17 cells in autoimmunity.
1. Tesmer, L.A. et al., Th17 cells in human disease. Immunol. Rev. 223:87-113, 2008
2. Stockinger, B. & Veldhoen, M. Differentiation and function of Th17 T cells. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 19:281–286, 2007